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World Deforestation Review

World Deforestation Review

In addition to project updates provided to us by our partners who coordinate the planting of trees in Indonesia, Zoophoria also look at data supplied by Global Forest Watch (GFW) https://www.globalforestwatch.org/. Global Forest Watch offers the latest data, technology and tools that allows users to identify areas across the globe that are at risk of deforestation. We use data from these sources to provide information to our customers who are part of our “Plant A Tree in Indonesia” project when they purchase one of our giftcards.

We have picked some data from the latest World Deforestation Review that highlights how Indonesia has been affected by deforestation from 2001 - 2019. We hope you find it interesting while recognising the fragile state of forests in this incredibly biodiverse part of the world that is home to many critically endangered species, including the Bornean orangutan. You can help to support the reforestation of the Kalimantan region of Indonesia through the purchase of one of our “Plant A Tree” cards.

In Indonesia, most tree cover loss is associated with commodity production, especially large-scale timber and oil palm plantations. Human-induced fires related to agricultural activity also caused large-scale forest destruction and led to harmful smog and carbon emissions. Fires were particularly prevalent during the El Niño events of 1997–98 and 2015–16. Indonesia saw a large reduction in tree cover loss starting in 2017, likely related to government policies to prevent clearing and fires.
(Source: World Resources Institute, Source Global Forest Review)

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